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FBI Handbook

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FBI Handbook Empty FBI Handbook

Post  Luke Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:35 pm


Welcome to the Federal Bureau of Investigation department! This field manual will inform and guide you to the proper procedures, jurisdictional information, and policies of the SAHP. The following is a table of contents of this field manual:

1) Recruitment Policies
2) Jurisdictional Information
3) Uniform Policy and Ranks
4) Standard Operating Procedures
5) Basic Guide to Warrants and Charges
6) Conclusion

DISCLAIMER: As times and legislature changes, policies and laws are subject to change. This handbook will be written in a general format. For more information about specific laws, please contact a knowledgeable Trooper(Chris).

Last edited by Luke on Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:22 pm; edited 2 times in total

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FBI Handbook Empty Re: FBI Handbook

Post  Luke Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:42 pm

Chapter 1
Recruitment Policies
Although the Federal Bureau of Investigation Recruitment is intended to be a small division of fine Agents, recruitment is always an issue. This chapter will cover the policies on recruitment of new Agents in the department.

How do I submit an application?
To submit an application, simply fill out an Application Form and submit it to the recruitment department. Be sure to answer every question on the application form in as detailed of a fashion as possible. Your initial recruitment will be decided by your knowledge, competence, and working capability. Be sure to show these things when applying, and continue to show them during your career as in the Agents event that you are recruited.

I've submitted an application. Now what?
If you were DENIED then either follow the instructions of the recruiting officer as stated on your application, try again after some time has passed and you have improved yourself, or consider the fact that you are not meant for FBI work.

If you were ACCEPTED, then congratulations! You are one step closer to possibly becoming a FBI Agent! After your application is accepted, you will need to begin the next phase of recruitment: an Interview, followed by Field Testing. This is also commonly known as "Ride-alongs."

Field Testing Procedures

To become a State Trooper, you will need to take two different tests to pass the recruitment phase. Grading of these tests will be explained momentarily.

Each test will be composed of two different parts: General Knowledge and Vehicle Skills.
Recruit Name:
Trooper Name:
General Knowledge
Driving Skills
#/10 Pass/Pass+/Fail Comments:

The following is a explanation of the Pass/Pass+/Fail rating:
Pass = Chase car successfully followed the lead car
Pass+ = Chase car successfully made the lead car come to a complete stop**
Fail = Chase car lost the lead car completely, chase car was destroyed, the possible recruit gave up the chase, or the possible recruit cheated.

My application was accepted and I passed the tests.
Congratulations, you are now a proud employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation!

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Join date : 2009-11-10
Age : 31
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FBI Handbook Empty Re: FBI Handbook

Post  Luke Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:48 pm

Chapter 2
Jurisdictional Information

Extents of Federal Bureau of Investigation Territorial Jurisdiction
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is limited to the following operations:
Vehicular and Traffic Incursions: These include but are not limited to traffic stops, high speed pursuits, auto theft, and traffic collisionsn,undercover missions,chasing an suspect on foot.
Emergency Service Calls: As being Agent of the law, it is the duty of the FBI to serve and protect the citizens of San Andreas. Emergency Service Calls are taken as an immediate need of law enforcement assistance, and the FBI is required to respond to these calls.
Backup Calls: No matter the department, calls of assistance are also required for the FBI to respond.
Arrests: In the event that a FBI Afent arrests someone, they are permitted to charge the guilty party as necessary according to actions, possessions, or other violations of the law.

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FBI Handbook Empty Re: FBI Handbook

Post  Luke Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:04 pm

Chapter 3
Uniform Policy and Ranks
Chain of Command
The ranks of the Federal Bureau of Investigation are as follows:
6) Director -Head of the FBI
6) Head Agent -Assistant head of the FBI
5) Special Agent -Head of Operations and Administration
4) Agent -Head of training, patrols, and minor affairs
3) Corporal -Beginning rank of access to higher caliber weapons
2) Trooper -Has completed training, beginning rank of the ability to work alone
1) Recruit -Recently accepted into the FBI, is in training to become a Trooper

**Each rank higher is head over all duties below the rank. Lower ranks are intended to be more specialized for their specific duties. Commanding officers may direct units to more important duties. Superior Agents become the commanding Agent as soon as they clock in for duty.

Director (Rank 6)
FBI Handbook 294

Head Agent (Rank 6)
FBI Handbook 290

Special Agent (Rank 5)
FBI Handbook 186

Agent (Rank 4)
FBI Handbook 286

Corporal(Rank 3)

FBI Handbook 267

Trooper(Rank 2)
FBI Handbook 280

Recruit(Rank 1)
FBI Handbook 285

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Join date : 2009-11-10
Age : 31
Location : no way stalkers!

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FBI Handbook Empty Re: FBI Handbook

Post  Luke Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:12 pm

Chapter 4
Standard Operation Procedures
Being On or Off Duty
Troopers are to be on duty at all times, unless allowed or directed by a Director or higher. Troopers may not go off duty to perform "undercover" tasks. Troopers on duty are to maintain their proper uniform and perform their proper duties.

Backup Calls
Troopers are to respond to all backup calls as soon as physically possible, regardless of the department. As soon as the assistance is provided and the situation has cleared up, the Trooper is to return to their duties.

Emergency Service Calls
Civilians calling for assistance are to be responded to as soon as the emergency necessitates. Obviously, a response to a traffic collision is not as dire as a response to a shooting.

Traffic Incursions
During standard patrol, Troopers are required to obey and follow all traffic rules. It is the duty of the Trooper to pull over and warn, ticket, or possibly arrest all violators of traffic laws. The only time a Trooper may violate traffic laws is when it is an emergency, and the overhead lights and sirens are on.

Traffic Collisions
Traffic collisions occur when two vehicles collide, or when a vehicle causes more than $50 of damage to state, civilian, or military property. The incident must be properly documented, and a fine is to be incurred on the guilty party.

Patrols are to be focused on , rural areas, and areas of high traffic. Areas of high traffic are considered main roads, or busy roads. Recruits may not patrol alone. If the recruit is not able to find a patrol partner, it is highly suggested that they work "station duty." Although Troopers and higher are permitted to patrol alone, it is highly advised and preferred to work in pairs.

High Speed Pursuits
In the event that a vehicle refuses to pull over, the fleeing party will automatically come under arrest. Stop the vehicle as soon as possible, while creating as little property damage as possible. In the event that a vehicle does not pull over and is obviously fleeing, or does not pull over after two full warnings, the passenger of the patrol car is permitted to fire upon the fleeing vehicle in order to disable it.

Injury to Persons
In the event that a person is injured, the Patrolman is required to assist that person. Contacting medical staff, or transportation to a nearby hospital is suggested. If the person is critically injured, and they are guilty of breaking the law, it is required that the Trooper file a report. While waiting on the ambulances to arrive, or as they person is being taken by an ambulance, obtain their identification and issue a warrant. Be sure to pick up the guilty party after they are released from the hospital.

In the event that a person with a warrant is in a house, you will need to obtain a warrant to search the house for that person. Remeber to follow the "plain sight" policy on any illegal items outside of what the warrant covers.
In the event that a person is being pursued and they flee into a house, you will not need a warrant. You may enter the house to capture the perpetrator.

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FBI Handbook Empty Re: FBI Handbook

Post  Luke Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:21 pm

Chapter 5
Basic Guide to Warrants and Charges

Charge -What it means. Fine

Traffic related

Excessive Speed -Driving over the speed limit or over a safe speed. $50-1000 / No jail
Reckless driving -Driving in a manner that endangers lives or in a careless manner. $1000-3000
Eluding/Failure to comply -Person has fled in a vehicle and failed to pull over. $2000-5000 (Required to be jailed)
Evasion -Person has fled and lost pursuit of police forces. $3000-8000
Illegal vehicle modifications -The owner of the vehicle has added illegal modifications to their vehicle (ex. Nos). $500-1500
Vehicular assault -Person has attacked someone with their vehicle (ex. running over pedestrian). $7000-15000 (required jail)
Attempted vehicular homicide -Person has either attempted to kill someone with their vehicle, or has trapped someone under their vehicle. $20000 (required jail)
Traffic Collision -Vehicle has collided with another vehicle. Fine = amount of damage
Attempted Grand Theft Auto -Person attempts to steal a vehicle. $1000-3000
Grand Theft Auto -Person has successfully stolen a vehicle. $2000-5000
DUI -Driving under the influence. $2000-5000

Possession related
Possession of illegal substances -Person possesses illegal drugs. $4000-8000
Possession of illegal materials -Person possesses illegal weapon making materials. $4000-10000
Possession of illegal firearms -Person possesses illegal weapons. $5000-12000 (depending on caliber)
Theft of State/Government property -Person has stolen items belonging to the state or the military (ex. shotguns from patrol cars). $3000-6000
**Troopers are required to confiscate illegal possessions. However, by state legislature Troopers are DENIED taking weapon materials from a person UNLESS said person uses said weapon materials in prison.

Extreme charges (All of these charges REQUIRE that the guilty party be sent to prison. These charges are often stacked with others, and the guilty party is taken to a maximum security prison)
Attempted murder of a civilian -Person has critically injured someone or attempted to kill them. $10000-20000
Attempted murder of a LEO -Person has critically injured or attempted to kill a Law Enforcement Officer. $15000-20000
Domestic Terrorism -Person has made actions to bring down the government, or to create mass fear within the public. $20000
Instigating public anarchy -Person is attempting to destroy or ruin order (ex. starting riots). $10000-20000
Kidnapping -Person has forcefully taken another person.$10000-15000
Robbery -Person has taken items from someone with force. $8000-15000
Armed Robbery -Person has taken items from someone with lethal weapons. $15000-20000
Sexual assault -Person has sexually attacked another person. $10000-15000
Rape -Person has forcefully has intercourse with another person. $15000-20000
Bribery -Person has attempted to bribe another person to avoid prosecution. $10000-20000

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FBI Handbook Empty Re: FBI Handbook

Post  Luke Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:23 pm

Chapter 7

You are now generally knowledgeable of FBI policies and operating procedures. Fully detailed knowledge of policies and and operating procedures will be covered in training. If you have any questions about policies, operating procedures, or this field manual, then please contact a knowledgeable Trooper.

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