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National Guard Handbook

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National Guard Handbook Empty National Guard Handbook

Post  OG_Loc Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:29 am

You will need to read it all before you make your application
All credits goes to OG Loc for the handbook.

All kind of information you can find here

1. Introduction
2. Commands
3. Assignments
4. Boot Camp
5. Weaponry usage
6. Information About Ranks

Introduction of the National Guard handbook.

This is the handbook for the national guard made by
OG Loc. Please read and make sure
that you know everything important before you proceed
with your application. Failure to read it and follow it will result
in being fired and or not being accepted to join the National Guard.

Basic commands of the National Guard and their functions
NOTE: Only important commands for the National Guard

Command: /(su)spect
Usage: /su [ID/Part of name] [Crime]
Information: Will add charges on a suspect.(If You pur wrong charges on wrong suspects remove ASAP or you'll get fired or Demoted)
Rank: 1-6

Command: /ng
Usage: /ng
Information: Use this in our locker rooms, and it will
give you access to our armory to get your guns.
Rank: 1-6

Command: /(m)egaphone
Usage: /m [Text here]
Information: Use this in a government vehicle
to be able to speak in the megaphone that will
allow you to say something that can be read by
any people within a really long range.(If you tired of writing it down Download Keybinds)
Rank: 1-6

Command: /Arrest
Usage: /Arrest [ID/Part of name]
Information: Use this to send a person
into the National Guard prison.
Rank: 1-6

Command: /cuff
Usage: /cuff [ID/Part of name]
Information: This basically places cuffs on a suspect
so he can't move/move his screen, your suspect needs to be tazed
or having his hands up to be able to be cuffed.(But you need to be on Duty)
Rank: 1-6

Command: /tazer
Usage: /tazer
Information: This command will send an electricity shock
to any player nearby you, it will last for eight seconds.
Rank: 1-6

Command: /(gov)ernment
Usage: /gov [Text]
Information: This command will allow you to send a message
to anyone online at that moment. This is a fully IC command,
do not abuse.(If you talk shit ther your are getting fired)
Rank: 5-6

Command: /(r)adio
Usage: /r [Text]
Information: This will allow you to talk
with people inside the National Guard, please be
advised to keep it IC as much as possible.(Use it for BACKUP to.)
Rank: 1-6

Command: /(d)epartment
Usage: /d [Text]
Information: This will allow you to talk
with all people in any Law Enforcement Faction , please be
advised to keep it IC as much as possible.
Rank: 1-6

Command: /ram
Usage: /ram
Information: This will allow you to enter any building
even if it's locked. Be advised to not abuse it, it is punishable
in an admin way if so.
Rank: 1-6

Command: /detain
Usage: /detain [ID/Part of name] [Seat ID(1-3)]/undetain
Information: This will allow you to detain someone into your last entered vehicle,
your suspect needs to be cuffed before you can detain them.
Rank: 1-6

Command: /wanted
Usage: /wanted
Information: Will show you a list of Wanted people in San Andreas
Rank: 1-6

Command: /take
Usage: /take [Name] [ID/Part of name]
Information: This will allow you to take away illegal possessions from people,
such as: Weapons, pot, crack, materials. Be advised, do never take away
materials or licenses, it is an perm. ban offense to exploit that.
Rank: 2-6

Command: /frisk
Usage: /frisk [ID/Part of name]
Information: This will allow you to frisk someone
for illegal possessions.
Rank: 1-6

Legend: GREEN-Ranks 1-6
BLUE-Ranks 2-6
Important information about assignments in the National Guard

Welcome to part three out of eleven of the National Guard handbook,
in this part you will get to know information about different assignments and
other information about assignments. Lean back to your chair,
and read it all!

Foor Patrol
1-2 Soldier(s)
When you're assigned to do Foot Patrol in Base.

Main gate Duty
1-3 Soldier(s)
When you're assigned to main gate duty, you will always need to be
just infront of the main gate watching for trespassers.
It's your job to make sure no-one enters when the gate gets open,
and if someone gets in you will need to arrest the trespasser.

Helo patrol
Also known as airspace patrol(Driving Carbob)
1 Soldier
This assignment happens rarely, it will only be
assigned to someone if there is enough of soldiers in town.
It's your job to patrol all around San Fierro and San Fierro AirField

Border Patrol
1-2 Soldier(s)
This assignment happens rarely, it will only be assigned to someone
if there is enough of soldiers in town.
It's your job to watch around National Guard with a humvee for trespassers,
You may also drive to the borders once a while to check it there.

Regular Patrol
1-2 Soldiers
When you're assigned to Patrol all around San Fierro whit humvee

When you are assigned to a position, you may never leave it
without permission of your superior. If you do so, it will result in bad
conflicts. You need to do your job correctly also

Basic information about the National Guard's Boot Camp

Welcome to part two out of eleven of the National Guards handbook,
In this part I will let you know the most important about the Boot Camp.
The Boot Camp is currently being controlled by OG_Loc. You will proceed to the Boot Camp if your application
have been accepted.

The boot camp of the National Guard is where you proceed if your
application have been accepted. You will get trained and asked
questions about the National Guard here, if you pass the Boot Camp
you can proceed into getting invited to the National Guard.

The Boot Camp is having a pretty simple system,
You start off with going to the one who accepted your
application and then he/she will proceed with
sending you to the Boot Camp commander(s). Once
you get over to the Boot Camp you will need to
go trough some questions and you will be trained
with the basics of the National Guard. When
you are in the Boot Camp you will be given
specific clothes that you always will need to use
as a recruit of the National Guard.

Correct weaponry usage for each ranks

Rank 1-6:
And here are Pictures how Guns look like.

Nitestick National Guard Handbook 2hd2jjo
Mace National Guard Handbook Mcvm0l
Desert Eagle National Guard Handbook 28u5q4g
Mp5 Navy National Guard Handbook 2mfhpoz
Sniper Rifle National Guard Handbook 2u8xl5g
Spas12 National Guard Handbook 2dwdzeo
M4 Rifle National Guard Handbook 5rwjs
Grenades (x2)/Smoke Granade (2x) National Guard Handbook 2quhzbk/National Guard Handbook 2h2mw3m

Desert Eagle
Mp5 Navy
Sniper Rifle
M4 Rifle
Granades (x2)

Desert Eagle
Mp5 Navy
Sniper Rifle
M4 Rifle
Grenades (x2)

Desert Eagle
Mp5 Navy
Sniper Rifle
M4 Rifle
Grenades (x2)

Desert Eagle
Sniper Rifle
Mp5 Navy
M4 Rifle
Grenades (x2)

Mp5 Navy
Desert Eagle
Sniper Rifle
M4 Rifle
Grenades (x2)
NOTE: Granades are used only in ''Big Action going down'' If you abuse Grandes you are getting fired.

THIS weapons can carry any of ranks in National Guard

The lowest rank of the National Guard, you
are not allowed to hold training sessions or anything
like that. You need to obey the orders of
any higher ranks than you. You can be fired at any time if you
do a mistake, we want elite privates.

You have worked your way up to Sergeant,
being a Sergeant is different than Private. As a sergeant
you are permitted to do different things such as: Holding SMALL training
sessions, assigning people and the funny of them all, bossing around Privates.

You have proved that you are loyal and can do your job, this is one of the most
important ranks in the National Guard. There is different kind of Captains, so far there
is a Boot Captain and the rest ones are normal ones. You are permitted to the same things as the Sergeants almost, a little more than that.

You've been in the National Guard for a wile and you have proven yourself
worthy to be a leader of the National Guard. Being a Major is basically being a commander,
but you are still lower than the Colonel and General. You are permitted to hold training sessions and
boss around people.

This is basically the "assistant general" and there is maximum two Colonels for
each timezone (US) and (EU). Only the best of them all can become a Colonel,
you need to work hard for it. You are permitted to promote, recruit and train people.

Leader of the whole National Guard, he are permitted to do whatever he want to.

Posts : 23
Join date : 2010-03-06

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