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Server is back, we're putting alot of efforts on it
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» [2013] WE WANT YOU BACK!!!
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Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:03 pm by David

Comments: 0

WLRP is back! **** yes?

Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:25 pm by Luke

Anyway.. I just wanted to inform you that WLRP is back, with new owners and stuff. If you want to join the community once again check out the new IP and connect, or burn in hell. IP : we-hosting.no-ip.org:7777 regards, the WLRP wanabe crew

Comments: 0

Server Info

Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:33 pm by David

SA-MP Server:
IP: Dynamic (atm): we-hosting.no-ip.org:7777
If you can't see the server Online.. try re-adding this IP

Ventrilo Server:
IP: None (atm) Port: 3784

Server`s most players online:
World Life Roleplay - Portal Sampclient2

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