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Gang Rules

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Gang Rules Empty Gang Rules

Post  Luke Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:53 pm

Due to many gangs who were mass recruiting just to capture points I decided that each gang
can capture up to 5 points. Thats all.

Rule One
Gangs must roleplay everything, from invitations to gang wars.

Rule Two
Your members should have appropriate names for your gang, such as Juan_Santiago for a hispanic gang or Kyushi_Komihino for the Yakuza. Some exceptions are allowed.

Rule Three
All street gangs must roleplay in their "hood" often. This means rolling around your hood, dealing in your hood and doing things a gang would do in real life. This does not mean you cannot go out and do things, it simply means we want to see it happen.

Rule Four
Families should engage in activities such as bat fights if they're a street gang and other activities along those lines. This is not a strict requirement, but if your gang is constantly engaging in gun warfare, it is not very realistic and could earn your gang a strike.

Rule Five
All gangs should use appropriate skins. For example, if you are in Grove Street Families, never ask for a skin change to a chinese Yakuza member. This is not roleplay at all, and if it turns out to be a repeat offense, it could earn your gang a strike, especially if abused in point wars.

Rule Six
Do NOT mass recruit. Only recruit GOOD ROLEPLAYING members. Always remember, quality over quantity.

Rule Seven
Gangs must roleplay EVERY SINGLE invitation. If you're caught inviting members to your gang with little to no roleplay and/or little to no OOC knowledge tests, your gang will be in danger of receiving a gang strike and possibly being disbanded.

Rule Eight
Gangs may only ally with ONE other gang during a point war. Three-way point alliances are strictly prohibited, and if three or more gangs are caught allied with each other at a point, each gang will be at risk of receiving a strike.

Rule Nine
One gang may control a maximum of FIVE points on the board. Should any one gang be in control of four or more points at any one time, said gang will receive a strike.

Rule Ten
Gangs may never change OOC point alliances without a gang moderator's permission. Any gangs found to be changing alliances for points without proper permission will risk being striked or possibly disbanded.

Rule Eleven
Multi-Capping, or having more than one rank 5+ attempt to capture a point at one time, is against the rules and punishable with a prison sentence for all those attempting to capture after the initial capturer, and possibly even a gang strike

Posts : 46
Join date : 2009-11-10
Age : 31
Location : no way stalkers!

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