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Greed protesters shut down Oakland port

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Greed protesters shut down Oakland port Empty Greed protesters shut down Oakland port

Post  youxieshi Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:04 am

OAKLAND, California: Protesters from the Occupy Oakland movement have teemed into the city's port, the fifth-busiest container-handler in the US, and shut it down
Greed protesters shut down Oakland port Ipad-art-wide-occupy-20oakland-420x0
About 4500 people assembled in a downtown plaza on Wednesday, according wholesale jerseysto a police estimate, before thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets, chanting and carrying signs.
Occupy Oakland, an offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street movement that began cheap mlb jerseys in New York on September 17 and spread to other cities, had called for a general strike. The demonstrations prompted hundreds of

downtown workers to stay home or leave their jobs early.
The protest was ''largely peaceful, with isolated incidents,'' a police statement said. nfl jerseys cheap''Five businesses have been vandalised, mostly banks and Whole Foods [an organic supermarket].'' No arrests were made. One

person was hurt by a rock thrown through a window.
At a Citibank branch, more than a dozen protesters blocked the entrance, some with fake $US100 bills taped across their faces. They held signs with messages such as ''Share the billions with the millions.''
About 200 people chanted outside a Wells Fargo branch, where graffiti on a walljerseys wholesale read ''The 1 per cent won't back down'' and ''Who's robbing who?''
Few police officers were on hand, in contrast to an October 25 confrontation when authorities lobbed tear gas at protesters as they dismantled an encampment and made more than 100 arrests.
The protesters at the port disrupted the night shift, a spokeswoman, Marilyn yotoforum Sandifur, said. ''Some of the terminals that were expecting ship operations have not been able to do so.''
As the crowd in the downtown Frank Ogawa Plaza assembled, it blocked traffic in all directions and forced the rerouting of buses.
''I'm still in a huge amount of educational debt and I'm here to stand cheap jerseysup against that,'' Lily Sturgis, 28, of Oakland, one of the protesters, said. ''I have law school debt over $US200,000 [$193,000] and I work at a

non-profit. I will never pay that off. I'd like to see job creation and a little equality when it comes to taxation.''
Susan George, 56, a holistic health practitioner who lives in West Oakland, carried a sign that read, ''The people are too big to fail''. She said she and another person bought a duplex that was now worth
$US300,000 less than her mortgage.
''Our politicians have sold out to Wall Street interests,'' she said


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