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i want to Be An FBI

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i want to Be An FBI Empty i want to Be An FBI

Post  Diego Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:51 pm

Home Address:St.98

Phone number:97312

Current Employer

Social Security(Ex:321-433-123,your stats picture)



Prior Employment

Biography(If its to short for me DENIED!)Deciding where to start was the most difficult part of this story. I decided to start at the beginning.

Born in 1935, the second son of a plumber, my family and I lived in the the hard coal region of northeastern Pennsylvania. We were surrounded by families from Czechoslovakia, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary and many other coal miner producing countries. Having the Kaiser name didn't help me much while these countries were being torn to shreds before and during World War II. The hatred expressed towards me by neighborhood children was enormous. As a child I had no idea that their animosity was anything other than the norm. You will read more about this later.

My childhood was a time of roller skate keys, Radio Flyer wagons, smashing tin cans flat for the war effort, hanging in trees, digging tunnels, Zeppelins, kite flying, watching the big steam locomotives as they passed over my street, smashing a penny or two flat with their huge wheels, building rubber band powered airplanes and spending summers on a lake in the Pocono mountains.

During my pre-teen and early teen years I was fascinated by U control model airplanes and eventually had a large collection of them. The engines I started with were spark powered complete with points, coil and condenser. As radio controlled airplanes began to appear I found electronics more interesting. Shortly after the end of WW2 I received my amateur radio license W3VCG and still hold those call letters today.

I can't say my school years were a shining beacon but at least I got through them. In prep school XX became my co-dependent good buddy. He was born without eyes but in spite of this I was able to get him involved in amateur radio too. I took the glass out of the meters of an old transmitter/receiver and he was able to tune the transmitter by the pressure the pointer exerted on his fingertips. He showed me how the loss of one sense is compensated for by the others. We had lots of fun together with this incident being the most humorous. I had my Mom's hand-me-down 51 Caddy and would drive it to a long riverside park on the other side of the river from Wilkes-Barre. I would then allow my blind friend to take the wheel and speed up and down the park... usually with his left arm out of the window banging wildly on the side of the car while grinning from ear to ear. We were never caught but you can imagine a police man's expression as he approached the car.

I graduated from prep school in 1954 and made two attempts at college... both of which were not very successful.

While attending Rider College in Lawrenceville, N.J. I married a girl I had met at my summer home in the Pocono's and felt I'd better get a job quick. 48 years later we are still married.

In 1957, I was hired as a Research Technician by RCA Laboratories in Princeton, New Jersey. A group of 12 established scientists were my "bosses" and they included Dr. Morton, co-inventor of television as we know it today... Dr. Rudy, inventor of many image conversion devices... one of our image intensifiers took the first pictures of the bottom of the polar ice cap and one took the picture of a single photon (one particle of light)... Dr. Forge, co-inventor of the vidicon and other TV conversion tubes... Dr. Sommers, inventor of the Iconoscope, the image conversion tube that made real time video possible... Dr. Kleitman, electrical/ chemical engineer... Dr. Ching, inventor of many helical microwave amplifier tubes... Dr. Nergard, one of the people instrumental in the development of the Klystron oscillator that made radar possible...
Dr. Klensch, did basic engineering on a variety of projects... and many other truly brilliant minds. My job was to be their "hands." I designed and built much of the circuitry that permitted all of these men to continue with serious development.

Why you wish to join the Federal Bureau of Investigation Recruitment: i Like It Its Fun And Its Roleplay Much

Why should you be hired into the department?:I like o be an FBI

Out of Character Information:Age:20




Timezone GTM+

Do you have an Ventrilo and an microphone?Yes

Previous roleplay experience

Posts : 10
Join date : 2010-03-08

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i want to Be An FBI Empty Re: i want to Be An FBI

Post  Christen_Tremond Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:19 am

Can you finish the Application?

Posts : 104
Join date : 2009-12-01
Age : 30
Location : Ur house

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