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List of Illegal Items in Los Santos

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List of Illegal Items in Los Santos Empty List of Illegal Items in Los Santos

Post  OG_Loc Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:35 pm

[NOTICE] From the National Guard Department
*You enter the National Guard one day, and you see a notice hanging on a bulletin board.*

List of Illegal Items in Los Santos
((Or at least what the National Guard will be following until senate passes laws, which will be never.))


Legal (Self defense purposes only.):

Shotgun (May be openly carried.)
Silenced Pistol (May be openly carried.)
Melee Weapons (May be openly carried.)
Country Rifle (Hunting outside of LS only. Cannot be openly carried in Los Santos.)

No weapons may openly be carried on the grounds or inside of public buildings. Lawyers that require entry into the L.S.P.D. are not allowed to have any guns at all.

Illegal (Can not be carried, will be ticketed for possession or firing, arrested for violent use.):
Desert Eagle

Illegal (Considered military-grade, will pay large fines and have weapons confiscated with their ticket, or arrest.):
Sniper Rifle
Stinger Missile Launchers (Applies only to National Guard, who will be fired immediately if caught using them within Los Santos.)

For all illegal weapons, if you're caught possessing them, you will be ticketed. The military grade weapons will carry much heavier fines and confiscation, even if you're just getting a ticket. If you are using them, you will be arrested, fined, and face jail time.


All drugs are currently deemed illegal in Los Santos. This means that both Marijuana (Pot) and Cocaine (Crack) are illegal. Possession of Pot will result in a ticket. Possession of Crack will result in getting arrested.

Vehicle Modifications

The following vehicle modifications are illegal:

Nitrous Oxide (Nos)

The driver of a vehicle, if caught, will be fined for using vehicles with such modifications. They may also be arrested and charged with reckless driving, in which case their vehicle will be impounded, an an additional fee of $2,000 dollars will have to be paid for vehicle return.

Legal Terms & Information

Ticket Prices

Indecent Exposure: $800.00

Lude Gesture: $800.00

Verbal Assault: $1000.00

Loitering on Government Property: $2000.00

Illegal Parking: $1500.00

Illegal Shortcut: $1000.00

Illegal Parking on Government Property: $2000.00

Illegal Parking at the Bank: $2000.00

Use of Hydraulics on a public road: $950.00 and your car impounded.

Reckless Driving/Speeding: $1000.00 - $5000.00

Reckless Endangerment: $2500.00

Illegal Racing: $2500.00

Illegal use of Nitrous Oxide: $1500 and your car impounded.

Trespassing on Private Property: $2500.00

Trespassing on Government Property: $2500.00 - $5000.00 or you may be arrested.

Affray: $1000.00 - $2000.00

False 911 Call: $6000.00 - $10000.00

Removal of Vehicle from Impound Lot: $2000.00

Possession of Illegal Weapons: $2000.00 - $7000.00 and removal of your weapons.

Arrest Prices

Affray: $1000.00 - $2000.00

Failure to Comply: $1000.00 - $2000.00

Evading: $2400.00 - $2800.00

Vehicular Assault: $2000.00 - $3500.00

Attempted Grand Theft Auto: $1000.00 - $2000.00

Grand Theft Auto: $2000.00 - $4000.00

DUI ( Driving Under The Influence ): $1000.00 - $1500.00

Possession of Illegal Substances ( Drugs ): $3000.00 - $5000.00

Possession of Illegal Materials: $2500.00 - $4000.00

Possession of Illegal Weapons: $2000 - $10000.00 and removal of your Weapons.

Illegal Discharge of a Firearm: $1000.00 - $4000.00

Public Endangerment: $1000.00 - $2000.00

Attempted murder of a Civilian or L.E.O.: $5000.00 - $20000.00

Domestic Terrorism: $20,000.00

Instigating Public Anarchy: $20,000.00

Kidnapping: $10,000.00 - $20,000.00

Hostage taking: $20,000.00

Robbery ( This Includes Armed Robbery ): $8000.00 - $15000.00

Rape: $9000.00 - $10,000.00

Bribery: $10,000.00 - $20,000.00

Legal Terms

Manslaughter - Accidental killing of another person.

Attempted Murder - Attempt at taking someone’s life.

Affray - A public order offence consisting of the fighting of two or more persons in a public place to the terror of ordinary people.

Conspiracy to Commit Murder - The act of plotting to murder.

Assault - Issuing a threat with the means to carry it out / Hitting someone.

Armed Robbery - Seizing property using a weapon of deadly force.

Robbery - Seizing property through violence or intimidation.

Extortion - Acquiring money, property, or services by use of intimidation or other acts.

Forgery - Copying objects or documents with the intent to deceive.

Obstruction of Justice - Interfering with a government official(s).

Bribery - Offering services of any item in the return of influence or actions of a government official.

Perjury - Lying or making false statements in a court of law.

Conspiracy - An accusation backed up with proof that a suspect may commit a crime.

Accessory - Assisting in the commission of a crime, but not actually partaking in the unlawful activity.

Aiding and Abetting -Participating in the commission of a crime.

Hit and Run - Colliding with someone, their vehicle; then leaving the scene without consulting that person.

Grand Theft Auto - Hijacking a vehicle without consent from the owner.

Arms Trafficking - Selling illegal firearms.

Drugs Trafficking - Selling illegal narcotics.

Prostitution - Exchanging sexual acts for valuables or common currency.

Failure to Comply - Failing to comply, or not listen to, direct orders from a law enforcement official, i.e. directing someone to provide means of identification or directing someone to put their hands up.

DUI - Driving Under the Influence of alcohol/drugs.

Kidnapping - Capturing or detaining a person against their will.

Rape - Forcing another individual to perform sexual acts against the persons will.

Domestic Terrorism - Any act that attempts to overthrow government or start anarchy, or any attempt to “ terrorize “ on large scale (This is a legal term that has a lot of gray areas, please check with the Federal Bureau of Investigation or Sergeants and above before charging someone with this).

Evading - The suspect has successfully evaded (Escaped the police). Also please note that Eluding is no longer a charge that you can use to /su a suspect, use Evading because its the proper term.

Harassment - Persistent offensive behavior, verbally and or physically.

This is copy from SARP but i have Rights from my friend who made this becaause i ask him and he allowed me.

Posts : 23
Join date : 2010-03-06

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